About Us

Child Safety

At Ave Maria College we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. Our commitment is drawn from and inherent to the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice, and the sanctity of each human person at the head of the gospel (CECV Commitment Statement to Child Safety).

Our College Motto, Striving for Truth through Love, guides our collective efforts in enabling our young women to thrive in recognising the truth of God’s love and their own call to seek truth and love, in themselves and in their relationship with others. These values guide our expectation of the way members of the school community behave in both the physical and online environments.

As highlighted in the Ave Maria College Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy, we are committed to:

  • The safety and wellbeing of all young people enrolled in our school
  • Providing young people with positive and nurturing experiences
  • Taking action to ensure that young people are protected from abuse or harm
  • Ensuring that the needs of all young people enrolled in our school are met, including those who are most vulnerable
  • Recognising the importance of friendships and encouraging support from peers, to help students feel safe and less isolated
  • Teaching young people, the necessary skills and knowledge to understand and maintain their personal safety and wellbeing

Child Safety Standard 9: Child Safety in Physical and Online Environments recognises that school environments extend beyond the school grounds, and we are committed to ensuring child safety is a feature of all interactions in both the physical and online environments. Our School ICT Acceptable Usage Policy outlines the expected use of ICT and the expected behaviour of members of the school community in the online environment. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy to ensure that all communications with young people take into consideration any risk of harm to the young person. At Ave Maria College we follow protocols to ensure the safety of young people in all environments, including the online environment. These protocols allow us to identify and mitigate risks in these environments without compromising a young person’s right to privacy, access to information, social connections and learning opportunities.

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